>Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe CHEMIK
>Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy Wielki Błękit Danuta i Ryszard Urbańscy S.C.
>Dom Gościnny Maria
>Domki Letniskowe nad Zalewem Sulejowskim
>Baltic Korona Apartamenty
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Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe CHEMIK
in locality: Ciechocinek
tel.: 54 283 52 43, 54 283 32 27, 54 283 68 27
email: chemik@sanatoriumchemik.pl
www: www.sanatoriumchemik.pl

Rooms available
Three bed:Yes
Four bed:Yes
Room facilities provided
TV:100 %
Radio:100 %
Phone:100 %
Canteen on the premises: Yes
One-shift meal serving system: Yes
Health care
Doctor on the premises: Yes
Nurse on the premises: Yes
Prices for sojourn of 1 person for 1 day     Cennik szczegółowy (pobierz)
Minimum price for 1 bed in a room, no board, is:27.12 Euro
Other prices and discounts
Charge/credit cards are welcome: Yes
Daily charge for unguarded car park occupation is:1.48 Euro
Open period
Accommodation day is from:13 - 10

Address and telephone directory
Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe CHEMIK
ul. Widok 13
87-720 Ciechocinek
Telephone or Fax:54 283 52 43, 54 283 32 27, 54 283 68 27
Telephone or Fax:+48 54 283 52 43, 54 283 32 27, 54 283 68 27
Preliminary booking
Given name (wymagane):
Surname (wymagane):
Land-line phone:
Mobile phone:
Sojourn period: from to
Number of: adults , Number of children
Remarks and questions:
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